Doria Ragland Gets Shout Out at AGAPE SPIRITUAL CENTER

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Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex has a super cool mom.   Doria Ragland, a yoga instructor from L.A., California  who has dedicated her life to social service, is no stranger to the Agape Spiritual Center.  This morning, the day after the Royal Wedding, Doria got a shout out from Rickie Byers Beckwith during the opening of the service.

This is further great news for the world, because this means Megan is further blessed with having been raised in an environment of spiritual awareness, where new thought, ageless wisdom, as practiced at Agape, is in her cultural foundation. More wonderful qualities Megan brings to the table in her union with Harry, Duke of Sussex.  Together the newlyweds are well prepared to face the challenges of a world with a collapsing global paradigm, where new energy to help repair the cultural fabric of the world is now critical.

Here is today’s message from Rev. Michael Beckwith:

The Spirit of Life has invested its allness within each of us with the utmost love, respect, and trust. You exist to multiply this investment and reap the dividends of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human incarnation. Our Creator Source knows nothing about subtraction or division. It knows only multiplication. Check the facts yourself: Observing nature we can see that its multiplication tables are infinite, and now technology enables us to see beyond the boundaries of our own planet.

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