Spirit’s Greatest Gift: The Knowing

Many believe that the greatest gift psychics recieve from Spirit is the ability to predict future events.

But that is entirely false. In fact, seeing too much of reality spanning past, present and future is often a hardship. Psychic mediums are regularly burdened by seeing tragic stories of people’s inner pain and suffering. And I can assure you, these visions can be emotionally traumatic for the seer.

The greatest gift bestowed to the psychic medium is “The Knowing,” A noun defined as: The awareness that life’s journey is pre-destined, and each of us are living according to a specific soul contract, written before we incarnated.

Once you have the Knowing, the default gift is abandonment of all fears concerning the future.

Yet authentic psychics and gifted seers will often concur: “I cannot see my own future.”As a psychic medium from an hisoric lineage of seers let me tell you, and I KNOW this to be true: Every soul is literally guaranteed a joyful ride in earth school.

And that my friend, is the greatest psychic gift from Spirit.  The ability to ‘free fall’ into the future, to literally live life fearlessly, because deep in your core you posess The Knowing. And while most seers know this innately, this gift is by no means exclusive. It is available to anyone with a pulse!

Once realized, The Knowing releases us from all fear, worry, and doubt about whatever happens in life.

We know, from the deepest part of the heart space, that every event, good or bad, is ultimately intended and scribed for our greatest and highest good.

This doesn’t mean that we are supposed to skate through life in constant bliss. Even the most gifted seers struggle with life’s challenges and hurdles.

Welcome to earth school. The difference is that seers innately comprehend that there is Divine Purpose to all things. And often, through human challenges, they can access  psychic gifts and talents in the form of Divine Manifestation. Again, anyone with a pulse can access these abilities. It’s exactly like going to the gym and exercising dorment muscles. With practice, muscles are activated.

I’d like to share a personal story that will illustrate the gift of the Knowing, specifically how it can be used to manifest. My intention is to help free you from your own fear, worry and doubt about your life decisions, your future, and the choices you make along your journey in Earth School:

From 1984 to 2012, I lived L.A. California, where I enjoyed a successful  career as a costume designer in the Motion Picture Industry.

The majority of my time was spent driving the 405 freeway driving  to and from Hollywood film set and shopping malls. To maintain my “image” as a designer, I spent tons of  money on designer clothing to support the image, and I spent hard earned money on a luxury home near Laguna Beach, California.

During that life chapter, my conscious brain told me I had “made it” and everything felt perfect. I was living the proverbial “Dream.”  I had no intention of changing my life’s trajectory. But in August of 2012, the soul contract I’d written turned on a dime!

Spirit moved me, quite unexpectedly, right before the magical Mayan calendar date of 12-12-12.

August has always been “Holiday Season” for our family – a tradition I’d learned while living 11 years in Italy during the 1970’s and 80’s. Planning my upcoming vacation, I thought of returning to Rome, or Paris. But my daughter Sarah suggested I visit Costa Rica. She’d been there twice while filming MTV’s The Challenge. Personally, I preferred visiting art museums, fine dining and fashion boutiques over a jungle and nature experience. The latter was definitely was not my style. But Sarah insisted I check out this remote country nestled between the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean in Central America.

Bringing only a small backpack with a few changes of clothes, I headed for a ten day vacation to Costa Rica on August 23rd, 2012. Strangely, I was instantly enamored with this beautiful country. Landing first in Manuel Antonio, I discovered heaven on earth. I found an adorable house right by the ocean, yet deep in the jungle surrounded by nature and wildlife. Monkeys came every day to my window, and I swam with the sea turtles in warm waters, while tropical birds and the insect kingdom tuned my inner ear and balanced my energy with their binaural beats and heavenly harmonics.

As fate would have it, I came to Costa Rica for only 10 days, and then I never went back home.

It’s now been 12 years and 12 days since Spirit “moved me” to the remote jungle, and my life changed forever. Costa Rica became my paradise and I intended to live peacefully here, surrounded only by nature and wildlife for the remaining days of my human incarnation. After finding my home by the beach, I adopted two beloved dogs and three cats – all rescues from the streets nearby. Life was idyllic; I was finally expressing my soul’s true life purpose working as a psychic medium living in The Blue Zone.

Effortlessly, Spirit brought clients from all over the world, and we connected via Skype and Zoom, or in person in Tamarindo, the bustling tourist town nearby. My children came to visit. There was no need to ever return to “civilization” – the big city life I’d happily left behind.

Then in late summer of 2018, during my sixth year in paradise, things suddenly went south – Big Time! All hell broke loose.

I was living in Samara, a small village on the pacific coast. After a peaceful morning at the beach, I came home to find that my house had been robbed. I lost some of my favorite treasures. Momentarily I felt devistated, until I realized again: “You don’t need possessions after all!  You’re not taking anything with you when you leave this incarnation.” I transcended that emotional disruption almost immediately. That felt great.

A few days later, I was heading out the door in the morning to go grocery shopping when I discovered my motorcycle had been stolen.

Now I had no transportation. Thieves had mysteriously ripped it off right under my nose, because it was parked where I could easily see it. This proved to be a great hardship.

The following week, I got a call from the landlords. I had secured a long term rental for a decent price, and I was settled for a few years, I thought.  But the owners informed me that they’d decided to turn the house into an AirBnB, and they were calling with an eviction notice. I had one month to vacate the property.

Even understanding the Knowing – that to every thing there is a purpose – I was seriously bummed. What was Spirit doing to me? Why did I suddenly have all this bad luck? I made every attempt to justify the events, to see the big picture, but I couldn’t find rhyme or reason to my misfortune. After all, I was here doing Spirit work. I had good intentions. I was serving God. Why was everything falling apart?

During the next week I desperately searched for a new home, to no avail. There were no rental properties available that I could afford. I didn’t have my transportation, I was without options to move forward. Frustration and confusion made me lose hope and perspective. I felt totally lost.

It was a full moon that night, and I was feeling traumatized by everything. Around 10:00 pm, I decided to take a shower to calm my nerves. The moon was perfectly framed in the window of the bathroom, right next to the shower. So I decided to shower in the dark, under the moonlight that cascaded through the open window. That would give me some peace.

I needed moon energy, Mama Killa’s love to lift my spirits.

Turning on the shower, I thought about what I could do to resolve all these issues. Suddenly, I felt something strange, and the water from the shower head didn’t feel right. It felt slippery, and when I looked up, the water didn’t appear clear, it was dark. I tiptoed over to the light switch and turned it on.
“Oh my God! What is happening?”

It was literally a living horror movie. The water from the shower was not water at all. It was literally a black oily tar-like substance.

Grease, mud, black oil, sewage? Something like that. I was covered in this disgusting black syrup and I was horrified. In that very moment I spoke out loud to Spirit, to God and all my guardian angels.
“Okay, I get it. I’m outta here!”

Releasing my anger, I finally understood. I was being moved. Spirit had its way, and I gave in to the push. Humbled, I engaged in a deep conversation with God and simply resigned to the urging from Spirit to leave Costa Rica. “I don’t know where or why I am going, and I don’t want to go.  But obviously, higher powers have other plans for me now.

“You’re literally kicking me out of Paradise!” I yelled at Spirit. The message was now crystal clear.

Blue Zone Costa Rica

The next day I began packing all the belongings I’d accumulated over the past six years and in a few days, with the help of friends and rental trucks, I moved everything into storage. I didn’t have any plan, but clearly I wasn’t supposed to be in Costa Rica.

I contacted Patti, a friend who lived Oregon. We’d met in Costa Rica, the very first month I’d arrived in 2012. She’d spent 4 months in Costa Rica every year since 2009.  Patti urged me to come to Oregon.  “You will love Oregon, Sally! It’s the only decent place in the USA. And Eugene is full of hippies, so you’ll love the people here. It’s our tribe, you’ll see.”

The following week I flew to Oregon with my animals, leaving all my belongings in storage, temporarily. My departure date was quite significant. It was the eve of the presidential election, and the following day, with my tail between my legs, I would leave my paradise and head back to a country that was no longer my own, with no clue as to why!

“Please God, just don’t let that man win.”

I prayed the night before my flight back to the USA. But my prayers were not answered. More bad news. Trump had won the election and that caused me great sorrow. I’d already written a book about the rise of fascism in America, which I predicted back in 2009. Now it was coming true, right at the time I was heading back to that country. I was devastated.

I stayed with Patti for two weeks, but finding a home there felt impossible. Everything was so expensive, and besides, I didn’t even want to be in the USA. But Spirit had my back, and I was magically led to a tiny cabin built in 1920, situated directly across from a national forest. I was again surrounded by nature, and wildlife, yet the contrast of the jungle to the forest felt strange. The Knowing assured me Spirit had a purpose for me here, but I was still so confused by all the events – especially the presidential election.

“Show me why I’m here! What will you have me do Spirit?” That became my daily mantra.

After another few months, I was still lost, even though the forest surrounding me was peaceful and nature was my favorite neighbor. But I couldn’t connect with the locals. Their conversations, their love of football, and the incessant jibber jabber that seemed to entertain the masses was disturbing for me. Despite my intention to mingle,  I couldn’t relate to their life agendas at all.
I was a misfit, and I was so homesick for Costa Rica. Where was my tribe? I hadn’t met any spiritually driven people, and I’d become socially isolated. Overwhelmed with confusion, I spent most of my time providing psychic readings online, and writing my book, but beyond that I preferred solitude.

One evening I found solace watching Youtube videos on the afterlife and psychic phenomenon. I discovered a great lecture by Russel Targ. A world renowned physicist, Targ had spent over 20 years researching remote viewing for the CIA. His long lecture titled: “Are Psychics Real?” was comforting. Not into “woo-woo,” I loved the science and his appreciation for psychics which he said the government preferred to call “remote viewers” since the word “psychic” was too “out there” for the US Government.

Targ’s lecture was outstanding, and I loved his wisdom. I appreciated how he understood that during this century, this decade to be precise, Science and Spirituality had finally collided.

My heart was lifted imagining a bright future for all mankind…for a moment.  Then I got really mad. I was mad that I felt trapped in Oregon. It seemed like the only conversation I heard from locals was about football – and I hated football!  I wanted to connect with people like Russel Targ! Where were those people?

What followed was a long verbal hemorrhage directed to my Spirit team demanding answers and action. I literally stood up from the couch and pointed my finger at Russel Targ’s image on the computer screen, jabbing my index finger angrily into thin air, while screaming: “These Are My People! Spirit God Enough is Enough! I Need These Kinds of People!”

Exhausted from my rage and rant with the Divine, I collapsed into bed, resigned.

The following day, it was pouring down rain – again! Oregon was freezing, and I despised that. I didn’t like to go outside in the cold. So when I wasn’t sitting around in my tiny cabin, there was nothing to do except go to a restaurant, to sit some more! Bundling up with multiple layers of clothing, off I went to Turtles Restaurant, a local favorite, for some hot chili and a glass of wine.

Seated beside the fire at a small table, I observed two women enter the room and then sit at the table next to mine. These two began a conversation that intrigued me, and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. They were discussing spiritual healing, and the power of prayer to heal. Everything they were discussing made my heart go pitter patter. It was a miracle. Just their conversation alone made me feel euphoric.

Quite out of character, I turned around and interrupted them mid-sentence.  “Excuse me, but I can’t help overhearing your conversation, and I love it. Do you mind…would you be kind enough to allow me to join your table, and hear more about your wisdom on healing?”  Graciously, the woman who seemed to lead the conversation invited me to join them, and she moved her chair to make room for me. I was so happy.

I sighed inside my heart space thanking Spirit for this opportunity to finally meet like minded people, especially since they were discussing my favorite topic in the entire world: Spirituality!

They introduced themselves, and shared their stories of who they were and what they did here in Eugene. The woman who was discussing healing was Jane Katra.  I can’t recall the name of the other woman but she was staring deeply at Jane, engrossed in the conversation. I interjected.  So Jane, how do you know so much about healing?”

Jane Katra PhD

“Well, I hold a PhD and I was a professor at the University of Eugene. But primarily I’ve spent the last 20 years researching psychics and spiritual healing with my partner, Russel Targ.”

Russel Targ, physicist

Are you as shocked as I was in that moment?  I told Jane about my rant the night before, yelling at my computer screen while watching Russel Targ’s lecture on Remote Viewing. I explained my story of how I strangely ended up in Eugene without purpose. Jane and her friend listened intently, and felt connected to Spirit, as this event was proof of a bigger plan.

I will end my story here. But know this: It’s now been 6 years since Spirit brought Jane Katra to me, Targ’s partner in research for two decades – a renowned healer and author in her own right. This is a powerful example of how, even with the Knowing, we can become frustrated and confused. But when we focus our frustration like a razor sharp laser on our vision and intention, we turn frustration into flammable fuel that boosts our rocket ship into space. We can literally “take off”.

That’s exactly how manifestation, and even miracles, can occur!

Lastly, let me add that Spirit’s specific intention moving me out of Costa Rica, back to the USA, was to place me at own mother’s bedside, shortly after I met Jane. Jane was a gift to reassure me of the Knowing, I suppose. I didn’t know at that time, why I was moved back to the USA. But shortly thereafter, my mother crossed over at 99 years old. She transcended this life in my arms.

My mother, born on March 14, also transenced this incarnation on March 14. Elinor died on her birthday, at her birth time!

It was the most beautiful crossing I could have ever imagined. Pure bliss, witnessing her transcendence as I held her in my arms. I was able to spend five days with her providing shamanic healing to her atheist soul preparing my mother to shed her earthly coil. That magical story is told in the chapter entitled: The Soul Contract.

All of the events leading up to my mother’s death were orchestrated perfectly, and my departure from Costa Rica was specifically designed to allow me to hold my mother in my arms, as I caught her final breath as a soul incarnated as Elinor. This was a great miracle, one of the most important and significant moments of my entire life.

I returned to Costa Rica shortly after my mother crossed. That chapter of my Soul Contract had been fulfilled.  Spirit had moved me with its own magic, to allow me to execute a pre-incarnation event created in our life between lives.  And, in honor of the soul mates along the way, I wish to thank Jane, as she was divinely placed on my path to confirm again:

No matter the circumstances, there are no mistakes, or accidents. Everything is always happening for our greatest and highest good.

Jane and I remain good friends after all these years.


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